MikroTik Solution

Route all traffics of particular local IP or IP block to defined gateway

Step 1:  Create Address List from Firewall

Step 2:  Create Mangle Rule from Firewall

Step 3:  Create Route

Step 4:  Create NAT Rule from Firewall

Step 5:  Create another Route to access local server

Details Discussion

Step 1: Create Address List:

MikroTik Flow-Chart:  IP -> Firewall -> Address Lists

Procedure:  Click Add Button (+)

Name:  Name of IP or IP block on the basis of purposes

Address:  Put a IP or IP block (Example: or

Apply -> OK    [Optional:  Create a comment for identifying Address Lists]

Step 2: Create Mangle Rule:

MikroTik Flow-Chart:  IP -> Firewall ->Mangle

Procedure:  Click Add Button (+)

General Tab:  Chain = Prerouting, Source (Src.) Address = Desired IP or IP block (Example: or

Action Tab:  Action = mark routing, New Routing Mark = May be same name of step 1’s name or different one.

Apply -> OK    [Optional:  Create a comment for identifying Address Lists]

Step 3: Create Route:

MikroTik Flow-Chart:  IP -> Routes

Procedure:  Click Add Button (+)

General Tab:  Destination (Dst.) Address = or desired block

Gateway = Desired Gateway IP

Routing Mark = Select the name with down arrow which created in Mangle rule (New Routing Mark).

Step 4: Create NAT Rule:

MikroTik Flow-Chart:  IP -> Firewall -> NAT

Procedure:  Click Add Button (+)

General Tab: Chain = srcnat, Src. Address = Select desired IP or IP block (Example: or, Dst. Address =, Out. Interface = Select the name with down arrow which port or ISP you want to assign.

Action Tab: Action = masquerade

Apply -> OK    [Optional:  Create a comment for identifying Address Lists]

Step 5:  Create another Route to access local server:

MikroTik Flow-Chart:  IP -> Routes

Procedure:  Click Add Button (+)

General Tab:  Destination (Dst.) Address = or desired block

Gateway = LAN_bridge

Routing Mark = Select the name with down arrow which created in Mangle rule (New Routing Mark).


** stackoverflow.com 
4.       https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Load_Balancing

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