General Concept of Linux:-
1. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 officially supports 22 languages: English, Bengali, Hindi, Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional), German, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Tamil, Gujarati, Assamese, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Portuguese(Brazilian), Punjabi, Russian, Spanish and Telugu.
2. In Unix or Linux everything is file.
3. Linux file name supports 255 characters. Alphabet(a-z), numbers(0-9), Punctuation marks support but don't support >, ?, *, ", Tab, Space.
4. Linux Terminal = [ User_name @ Host_name Current Working Directory ] User_Symbol = [ root@localhost Desktop ]# . Where # = Root User or Super User and $ = Regular User or Standard User.
4. Linux Terminal = [ User_name @ Host_name Current Working Directory ] User_Symbol = [ root@localhost Desktop ]# . Where # = Root User or Super User and $ = Regular User or Standard User.
Dual Boot Sequence Change in Linux:-
STEPS: -> Enter the file manually- /boot/grub/grub.conf
-> default=0 replace with default=1 (0= Linux and 1= Other OS)
-> Timeout=5 replace with Timeout=30 If you need (It's delay at booting time or delay to select an Operating System)
Some Important Command of Linux:-
Computer Shutdown Command in Linux:-
1. poweroff -> Enter
2. init 0 -> Enter
3. shutdown -h now -> Enter (Immediately)
4. shutdown 5 -> Enter (For Maintenance- after 5 minutes)
5. shutdown 01:30 -> Enter (For Maintenance- 1:30 AM or PM)
Computer Reboot Command in Linux:-
1. reboot -> Enter
2. init 6 -> Enter
To Help Everything in Linux:-
1. man <command> -> Enter (To return press q)
2. info <command> -> Enter (To return press q)
4. <command> --help -> Enter
5. Go to Documentation Directory -> /usr/share/doc
Some Single Command of Linux:-
1. cal or cal 4 2014 -> Enter (To see calender)
2. pwd -> Enter (To see current working directory)
3. w -> Enter (Who Logged on currently)
4. id -> Enter (To see User & Group ID)
5. tty -> Enter (Current Terminal Device)
6. bc -> Enter (Basic Calculator:to back-> :quit -> Enter)
7. ls -> Enter (To see Files & Directories of current working directory)
8. ls -a -> Enter (To see Files, Directories & all hidden contents of a directory)
9. ls -al -> Enter (To see ,, ,, & all hidden contents of a directory with permissions)
10. ls -il -> Enter (To view the contents of a directory with their inode numbers)
11. which <Command> -> Enter (To know the origin/Location/path of Command)
12. a , i , o -> Enter (To go to insert mode within vim editor)
13. history -> Enter (To see all commands of using current user)
14. df -> Enter (To see Hard Disk information with KB)
15. df -m -> Enter (To see Hard Disk information with MB)
16. df -h -> Enter (To see Hard Disk information with GB)
17. fdisk -l -> Enter (To see all types of Hard Disk partition information)
18. date -> Enter (For display date & time)
Change Date & Time:- mmddhhmimiyyyy -> Enter
To Help Everything in Linux:-
1. man <command> -> Enter (To return press q)
2. info <command> -> Enter (To return press q)
4. <command> --help -> Enter
5. Go to Documentation Directory -> /usr/share/doc
Some Single Command of Linux:-
1. cal or cal 4 2014 -> Enter (To see calender)
2. pwd -> Enter (To see current working directory)
3. w -> Enter (Who Logged on currently)
4. id -> Enter (To see User & Group ID)
5. tty -> Enter (Current Terminal Device)
6. bc -> Enter (Basic Calculator:to back-> :quit -> Enter)
7. ls -> Enter (To see Files & Directories of current working directory)
8. ls -a -> Enter (To see Files, Directories & all hidden contents of a directory)
9. ls -al -> Enter (To see ,, ,, & all hidden contents of a directory with permissions)
10. ls -il -> Enter (To view the contents of a directory with their inode numbers)
11. which <Command> -> Enter (To know the origin/Location/path of Command)
12. a , i , o -> Enter (To go to insert mode within vim editor)
13. history -> Enter (To see all commands of using current user)
14. df -> Enter (To see Hard Disk information with KB)
15. df -m -> Enter (To see Hard Disk information with MB)
16. df -h -> Enter (To see Hard Disk information with GB)
17. fdisk -l -> Enter (To see all types of Hard Disk partition information)
18. date -> Enter (For display date & time)
Change Date & Time:- mmddhhmimiyyyy -> Enter
Creating and Deleting a File:-
1. touch <file_name> -> Enter (To create a File)
2. rm <file_name> -> Enter (To delete a File)
To Edit a File:-
1. vi <file_name> -> Enter
2. vim <file_name> -> Enter
3. nano <file_name> -> Enter
Move(Cut) and Re-name a File or a Directory:-
1. mv <source> <destination> -> Enter (To move or cut a file or a diretory)
2. mv <old_name> <new_name> -> Enter (To rename a file or a directory)
To view first & last lines of a File:-
1. head <file_name> -> Enter (Only First 10 lines)
2. head -n 15 <file_name> -> Enter (Desired first lines)
3. tail <file_name> -> Enter (Only Last 10 lines)
4. tail -n 14 <file_name> -> Enter (Desired last lines)
Copy a File or a Directory:-
1. cp <source> <destination> -> Enter
Creating a Directory:-
1. mkdir directory_name -> Enter (A single Directory)
2. mkdir -p X/{a,b,c}/{x,y,z} -> Enter (Directory within a Directory)
Delete a Directory:-
1. rmdir directory_name -> Enter (For empty Directory)
2. rm -r directory_name -> Enter (Not empty Directory)
3. rm -rf directory_name -> Enter (Without facing any warning messages)
Directory Change:-
1. cd .. -> Enter (To move one level up)
2. cd or cd ~ -> Enter (To move user's home directory)
3. cd - -> Enter (To move previous working directory)
Switch User:-
1. su <user_name> -> Enter ( Non-Login shell )
Return -> exit or ctrl+D
2. su - <user_name> -> Enter ( Login shell )
Return -> logout or exit or ctrl+D
Creating a Soft & Hard Link:-
1. ln -s <source> <target> -> Enter (Softlink)
2. ln <source> <target> -> Enter (Hardlink)
Creating a User and a Group:-
1. useradd <user_name> -> Enter
2. groupadd <group_name> -> Enter
Modify a User and a Group:-
1. usermod -L <user_name> -> Enter (To Lock or Disable a user account)
usermod -U <user_name> -> Enter (To Unlock or Enable a user account)
passwd -l <user_name> -> Enter (To Lock or Disable a user account)
passwd -u <user_name> -> Enter (To Unlock or Enable a user account)
2. groupmod <group_name> -> Enter
Delete a User and a Group:-
1. userdel -r <user_name> -> Enter (With home directory)
Creating a Password:-
1. passwd <user_name> -> Enter
Delete a Password:-
1. passwd -d <user_name> -> Enter
To view a File Contents:-
1. less <file_name> -> Enter (To view a page)
2. more <file_name> -> Enter (To view in Terminal)
3. cat <file_name> -> Enter (To view in Terminal )
The Location of the Following Files:-
1. Grub file = /etc/grub.conf or /boot/grub/grub.conf
2. Network file = /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethx
3. Global Setting = /etc/sysconfig/network
4. Server Setting = /etc/resolv.conf
5. Permanent Mounting = /etc/fstab
Vim Execute(ex) Mode Commands:-
1. :w -> Enter (Saves the files)
2. :w! -> Enter (Saves the files forcely)
3. :q -> Enter (quits)
4. :q! -> Enter (quits forcely)
5. :wq -> Enter (Saves & quits)
6. :wq! -> Enter (Saves & quits forcely)
Vim Execute(ex) Mode Commands:-
1. :w -> Enter (Saves the files)
Linux Help Sites:
1. OStechnix
2. CentOS-7 Download
Very nice post
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